We are aware of the national medication shortages and are doing our best to navigate this issue while respecting medication regulations. For patients experiencing difficulties filling your prescriptions please message your provider through the patient portal with the alternate pharmacy information and we will process requests within 48-72 hours.

We are sorry for the inconvience, but all online payments are currently down. Please call 952-856-8452 to make a payment over the phone.

Adult ADHD Psychiatric Treatment Plans

Adult ADHD

Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects 4.4% of U.S. adults, but most adults with ADHD have not been diagnosed with the condition. Every case of ADHD can be as unique as the person who suffers from it. Therefore, ADHD treatment should be tailored to the individual.

Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition typically characterized by disorganization, impulsive behavior, and difficulty paying attention. While it is often diagnosed during childhood, an estimated 4.4% of adults are affected by this disorder and mostly undiagnosed, resulting in frustration and difficulty achieving seemingly simple goals or tasks.

West End Consultation Group specializes in adult ADHD treatment in Minneapolis. We provide personalized support to help you make progress toward your mental health goals. Our team can evaluate your past and present symptoms, manage your medication plans, and tailor adult ADHD treatment strategies that fit your lifestyle.

Ready to get started? Request an appointment or call 952-856-8452 to discuss availability.



word cloud of symptoms of ADHD and ADD in adults

Signs & Symptoms of Adult ADHD

ADHD often presents differently in adults than in children, and the symptoms vary from one person to the next. Furthermore, symptoms of ADHD overlap with many disorders, such as anxiety or other conditions, making the diagnosis a challenge. Accurately tracking your symptoms is critical and allows your psychiatric provider to tailor your adult ADHD treatment to your needs. Symptoms can include:

  • Trouble concentrating and staying focused, such as being easily distracted by low-priority activities, frequently missing important details, hyperfocusing, or becoming frequently bored.
  • Impulsivity, including blurting out inappropriate thoughts, acting carelessly, or frequently interrupting others.
  • Difficulty managing emotions, resulting in a short temper, feelings of insecurity, inability to stay motivated, or heightened sensitivity.
  • Disorganization, forgetfulness, and procrastination.
  • Hyperactivity or restlessness, which may present as constant fidgeting, excessive talking, or feelings of agitation. (Note: adults are less likely to have symptoms of hyperactivity compared to children)



Improve Your Life Through Adult ADHD Treatment in Minneapolis

Untreated adult ADHD causes many difficulties. Work may suffer due to missed deadlines and tardiness, finances can be impacted by missed payments or impulsive spending, and friendships can be stretched by disorganization or forgetfulness. Seeking professional help is the most effective way to regain control.

West End Consultation Group has your back. We will get to know you and your symptom severity and develop a custom adult ADHD treatment plan to help you reach your goals.

Medication for ADHD and ADD in adults


Finding the Right Medication for Adult ADHD Treatment

For many individuals, medication management is a critical part of adult ADHD treatment. We begin with a full medication assessment, including a review of past and current prescriptions as well as over-the-counter and homeopathic medications. We will then determine if medication changes are needed and discuss whether a new medication is necessary.

Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health Support

West End Consultation Group understands we are only one aspect of your healthcare team. To ensure no detail is missed or medication overlooked, we will work with your primary care provider, therapist, and other support professionals to ensure you receive holistic treatment.

Adult ADHD Treatment in the Twin Cities

West End Consultation Group offers many services for adult ADHD treatment. Based out of St. Louis Park and serving the Twin Cities metro, our team of psychiatric providers is standing by to start developing your best care plan. We take an empathetic and non-judgmental approach with all our patients, and we look forward to helping you along your journey.

Request an appointment today to discuss your availability

We Are Here To Help

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