We are aware of the national medication shortages and are doing our best to navigate this issue while respecting medication regulations. For patients experiencing difficulties filling your prescriptions please message your provider through the patient portal with the alternate pharmacy information and we will process requests within 48-72 hours.

We are sorry for the inconvience, but all online payments are currently down. Please call 952-856-8452 to make a payment over the phone.

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adults

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) impacts 8% of adults, or 7 million people in the United States, but half of these adults will never be professionally diagnosed or reach out for psychiatric help (PTSD Alliance). PTSD impacts each person differently, so treatment should also be determined individually.

At West End Consultation Group, we take a comprehensive and compassionate approach to treating PTSD. We work with you to determine treatment specifically tailored to your needs in our St. Louis Park, MN clinic. Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced providers and know what to expect at your first consultation so you are prepared. West End Consultation Group is conveniently located and easily accessible from Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs in the Twin Cities.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of emotional or psychological stress disorder that can develop after experiencing something life-threatening or traumatic; however, having a traumatic experience does not necessarily mean you will develop PTSD.

It’s common to have anxious or depressive symptoms following a traumatic experience, and these feelings generally fade over time. PTSD occurs when symptoms become worse over time, often months following the traumatic event that occurred.

It is important to properly diagnose PTSD before starting treatment because symptoms can sometimes be confused with another diagnosis or overlooked. Our psychiatrist specialists in the Twin Cities will help find the best PTSD treatment for you.

What are some common signs & symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Individuals with PTSD often exhibit symptoms under the umbrella of one of the following:

  • avoiding anything (places, people or activities) that may trigger the memory of the event
  • maintaining a constant attentiveness or vigilance for danger
  • recreating the traumatic event repetitively – having nightmares or flashback

These symptoms can lead to other issues that can be classified as relational, emotional or physical. Every person responds to trauma differently and over different periods of time. Generally, an individual with PTSD will experience a combination of the following signs & symptoms:

  • Intrusive memories
  • Avoidance of places, activities, etc.
  • Negative feelings & thoughts
  • Heightened reactions
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue & sleep issues
  • Low self-worth
  • Misplaced guilt
  • Dissociation
  • Breathing problems or Asthma
  • Eating disorders or poor digestion

If you are struggling with any of the above signs or think you may have PTSD, request a consultation today at our office, located in St. Louis Park, MN.

What is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is associated with long-lasting or repeated trauma. While PTSD usually occurs after a single traumatic experience, CPTSD occurs after multiple events or prolonged trauma over months or years.

An example of what may cause CPTSD is recurring sexual abuse or childhood abuse. Prolonged trauma exposure can actually change the brain’s chemistry, sometimes causing amnesia, dissociation, or impacting learning abilities.

Managing & Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Adults

It is important to make mental health a priority to live a more balanced life. If you are suffering with PTSD, it is crucial to get help from a trusted professional. There are many different options to help manage and treat PTSD as an adult, so what can treat PTSD?

Medication Management

Managing medication by finding the right dosage is an important part of your treatment plan. Learn more about our customized approach to medication management. WECG offers many services and specialties to help treat individuals with PTSD in the Twin Cities. 

Schedule a PTSD Consultation with our Psychiatric Specialists in Minneapolis, MN

At West End Consultation Group, our psychiatric specialists take a compassionate approach to treating post-traumatic stress disorder in our St. Louis Park clinic. We conduct a full assessment of your lifestyle, symptoms and current medications to help you get the best treatment and get an accurate diagnosis.

Schedule an appointment at our office located in the Twin Cities today.

PTSD Fact Sheet

We Are Here To Help

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