We are aware of the national medication shortages and are doing our best to navigate this issue while respecting medication regulations. For patients experiencing difficulties filling your prescriptions please message your provider through the patient portal with the alternate pharmacy information and we will process requests within 48-72 hours.

We are sorry for the inconvience, but all online payments are currently down. Please call 952-856-8452 to make a payment over the phone.

Request an Appointment with WECG

West End Consultation Group
5775 W Wayzata Blvd, Suite 830
St. Louis Park, MN 55416

Thank you for your interest in West End Consultation Group. Please fill out and submit the following form and we will contact you shortly.

Required Fields *
Person Seeking Treatment:
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Insurance Information:
Insurance Company *
Member ID Number
Group Number
Group Name
Policy Holder's Name
Relationship to patient
Appointment Details:
How did you hear about our clinic?
Times of day you are available for an appointment
What days of the week work best? (Select all that apply)
Briefly describe your reason for seeking help *
Validation *